Saturday, 7 February 2015

German Grammar: the cases

Nominative: The subject in the sentence/ the person carrying out the action

- The direct object in the sentence, usually comes after the verb
- The other person/ thing in the sentence who is affected by the action

*Verbs that take the Accusative case: sehen, kaufen, haben, trinken, essen
* Prepositions that take the Accusative case: durch, fur, gegen, ohne, um, entlang
+ when movement is involved: in, an, auf, hinter, neben, zwischen, u(e)ber, unter

Dative Case: Indirect object in the sentence/ the person receiving something

* Verbs that take the dative case: Antworten, danken, helfen, gelingen, gehorchen. geho(e)ren, glauben, gratulieren, folgen, fehlen, passen, nu(e)tzen, raten, vertrauen, schmecken
*Prepositions with the dative case: Aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu, gegenu(e)ber

Genetive Case: Indicates possesion

*Prepositions with the genitive case: Wa(e)hrend, wegen, statt, trotz, innerhalb, ausserhalb

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